Saturday, October 2, 2010

Busy??? Carpe Diem! :)

Am I dreaming? Hmmm... It's just like a blink of an eye. September is over! I'll surely miss all the memories it left my life esp. as a graduating student. But even though it had passed I could never forget such little but sweet and enjoying memories I've experienced during that month. September is the month for Sci-Math club. And I am so in on that celebration because I'm the president of that club. I have the responsiblity to take over of it whenever and whatever our subject coordinators told us about, but it's not only me who did all the work, of course with all the willingness to help of my co-officers and the members of our club. We had our meeting about that said celeb. and each of us had his/her own work to do and to accomplish. All of that were set. Until one day, Ma'am Malong, our religion teacher told us that they need our help, yes!it's us...Franciscans. Hmmm..quite exciting because we need to act for the presebtation of our school to the Marian vigil for the birthday of Mama Mary tht will be held on Manaoag. We all knew that the target were the best actors and actresses in our section. But they told us that they need 16 students. Some of us were chosen, including me. :) I'm so happy and it's my pleasure to join on that presentation because we were the one who represented our school. With the help of Sir Bryan Catama, a professor in SLU and certainly a graduate of SCA, we all did our best in practicing all the actings and other efffects that we should do to make it more real in the eyes of the audience. There was a time during those moments that I felt that I need to quit because of hectic schedule because it so happened that the next day after our presentation in Manaoag will be the first day of our Sci-Math activities for the school and I should be there to prepare and to help my co-Sci-Math club to replenish all the work we need to to finish before the day of the celebration comes. I did cry those moments because of mixed emotions. And because of we were told that day that we all got zero in our english presentation about the Greek Gods and Goddesses because we did not follow the rules told to us by Sir Maurison. We all did our best on our performance that it really husts o know that we all got zero. But when Sir Maurison reasoned out that not all of us got zero for we knew what we have done on the day of the performance. We knew ourselves, our acts on that day. so not everyone got zero. By that time, I took a deep breath for I know in myself that I didn't do any acts that was so injustice to other performers. What I know is that we all did a great job and it's as once in a life time experience. Going back to the presentation in Manaoag, I really wanted to be a part of that presentation and all I'm thinking was that was one little way to offer Mama Mary a thanksgiving specially that it's her birthday. I came with a decision of not quitting but besides I continue to join. I explained it to our Science coordinator, Ma'am Julie Ann. and I promised her to do all my best to attend on the day we'll arrive from Manaoag because it's the day for our praparation.
The day for the presentation came, we all did our best to show them what our topic was all about, to show them the reality a special child really feels. Some of the audience smiled with a tear on their eyes. They were touched of what we did and present. But you know what's the best thing? We were the loast performer that they allowed to perform because it's already dawn and a lot of other performers would have no longer time to perform. And we're so glad that we did it. We did it to perform and i really believe that it's the will of the Holy Spirit. It's the best gift we could ever give to Mama Mary that day. :) After the mass, we all took our breakfast and went home. The time I arrived our home, I took a bath and tried to get some sleep because I promised Ma'am Julie Ann to attend in the afternoon for the preparation for the activities the next day. When afternoon comes, I went to our school and help with the other members and officers in doing some things that will surely need to be accomplished. Though I felt little sleepy I really enjoyed doing things such as interpreting a song for the presentation of the Sci-Math members. I saw my one and only inspiration on that afternoon, we had a little talk and shared laughters with each other. I couldn't forget the wordds he told me when he saw me that afternoon, "pre, a-miss ta ka!:)". Hahaha... that was so sweet. He's my inspiration and he's the one who really inspire me to strive more and even harder with my studies. He's one of a kind. :)
Going back to the Sci-Math celebration, the next day, we had a little fair such as different booths that were managed by my classmates though they'r not a member of Sci-Math. and that's the best thing about it, I can now say that we, IV-St.Francis had a too tight relationship and unity with each other. And I'm so glad that after an almost one year of class division, here we are again, working as a whole, working as a class.:)) We surely enjoyed that day sharing memories that could never be erased. After that tiring and fantastic day, I spent my time watching some videos in YOutube about how to be a good Emcee. Yeah!because I'm one of the emcee for the pageant of Bb. and Ginoong Kslikasan 2010 and it's a part of the Sc-Math celebration. I did all my best to be a good emcee on that pageant. I, with Sir Richard hosted the program for the pageant. Two of my classmates joinde the pageant and David John De Guzman, our classmate won the title for the G.Kalikasan 2010. We all had a great day or shall I say, a great night? because the pageant lasted until night. But it's okay because I saw all my classmates that they all surely cheered our classmates and it all worked. :) Sci-Math celebration is over but our responsiblity will be there forever.:)
After the Sci-Math celebration, mid periodical examination came, and we all had to focus on our reviews in each subject. And after the 2-day examinaton, Intramural 2010 was on its way and we need to prepare on that week. We belong to the team "GREEN VIPERS"! During the 3-day Intrams, we all coordinated each other to do all our best in every activity and sports were in to. I'm a sepak player since I'm in 2nd year but I'd stop when I was in 3rd year. But I had to do my best to play better since I'm a 4th yera student now. And i really enjoyed this sport. :) With my team mates Joyme, Sajarah and Danica we all won on the 2 games and we're all glad because we have made it to be on the CHAMPIONSHIP game. We placed 1st place, but even though we did not nake it to be the champion, we're hapy because we enjoyed the game and there's no one to be blame because we all did our best. The best thing for me in our Intrams is that all of us worked as a team, yes!we all had different talents that could lead us to success but not only that, we all had a teamwork that lead us to success. Though we did not nake it to be the over all champion we're all glad and happy because we placed 1st place and we all had experienced the best thing in team... "TEAMWORK"! :)
Yeah! September may be a very busy month to all of us but though it's a busy month, those moments that made it busy were all spent wisely in a way that we all did our best, enjoyed it and seized evey moment out of it. Such things and moments were like "letterings" carved in a rock near a sea shore that no wave of the ocean could erased it! :) September...Carpe Diem!:)