Monday, November 1, 2010

Rockin' October

Buzz... buzz... buzz... October surely rock my senior life. It had been a very sophisticated, exciting and busy month to me. But though it really drove me crazy I surely enjoyed it. Of course, it was surely a very special moth for me because it's the month of my birthday. Oct.5, a very remarkable date for me, first because it's my birthday but aside from that, it's the date of our presentation for the english's readers' theater. When we first heard about it, we had no idea of how was it'll be going. What we all knew is that we all had to do our best to win and to represent our school for the "Eng. Fest. Div. Level".I was chosen as the narrator 2. And honestly speaking, when I first heard about the title of the story we're going to perform I felt quite not interested with it because I thought that it's just a story for children, but the time i read it i found it interesting as well. When the day of the performance came, we all went to the gym to prepare ourselves for it. We prayed and had our breathing exercise. We were the last performer, so when they called our number, we, the narrators went up the stage and so with the other characters. We began with the performance saying the title, "How Frog Went To heaven". Silence started to crack the whole venue. The strange looks of the audiences and judges make me feel so nervous but it seemed that they found it not boring the time we're the one performing it. After the performance, they all clapped their hands. I felt that my nervousness was eased by that time. All of us did a great job but the thing is there should be only one to be on the top. and when the time for the announcement of winners came, we all prayed and when they've announced that we, St.Francis was the winner, we all jumped with joy but that joy began to fade away when they said that not all of us will be joining the contest for the readers' theater for the div.level. We felt upset that time because of that news.
The very next day, Sir Maurison told some of us including me to go to the faculty. I wondered what was going on. When we arrived their, I felt so much happiness because Sir Mauris said that we'll be going to compete in the div.level for the readers' theater and we have to have ourwhole day practice that day, but another thing is I have to be on our whole day review too for the stat.quiz bee. I do not know by that time how to divide myself but I ended up with a decision that i'll be spending at least one hour for our practice and the rest is for my review. The next day, is our stat.quiz bee. I'm not that so prepared for that because we had a little time for the review but I did all my best for that as well. We won 6th place out of 23 competing schools. And it's not that bad having that place.:) After that mindful event, I had to concentrate with the readers' theater and so with my studies. And when the time for the contest nearly came, we all went to Malasiqui for our dress hunting or shall I say costume hunting.hahaha We all had a great time fitting those clothes to be used for the contest. The day before the contest, we had our general practice, we added some effects in able for our performance to be more enjoyable to watch and not kind a boring. The next day of that, was a big day for us. It's the day for the contest and we all prepared ourselves for that. And again, we were the last performer. When the time that we should went up the stage to perform, my hands began to sweat and it's like an ice, cold and plumpy. But I did all my best to do my part and surely we all did a great job that all the judges and audience began clapping their hands after we performed. Time for the announcement of winners came, our school was not mentioned yet for the 3rd and 2nd placer. Again, we all felt nervous, but that chilling moment was eased with joy the time they announced that ST.CHARLES ACADEMY, our school wasthe CHAMPION and will be representing the division of San Carlos to the regional competition. We all thanked God for we know that it's His will.
Sir Maurison announced to us that we'll be taking up the exam as a special one because we have to prepare for the regional contest. But we became upset the next day because of what they have said to us. There's a problem about the fact that we'll be joining in that competition. But thanks God, because we knew that it's His will agin for Ma'am Espino allowed us to join in thatcontest though financially we're having a problem. We were all in rush by that time. 1:00 p.m. is the alloted time for the competition to be held at Lingayen. Finally, when we arrived at the venue, we were quite shocked because the other competitors had a lot of props that fits to described that they were all very prepared. Whoa! But though we don't have so much props, we had a great faith in God that kept us to strive harder and more. Time for the performance came, it seemed that they enjoyed our performnace as well though we didn't have a lot of props. After our performance, we all proceed to the CR to change our clothes and to take some snacks. After that, the time for the annoucement of winners came, we all felt nervous again much more than the nervousness we felt during the div.leevl. All competitors were so graet and thumbs up for all of us. But we all jumped with joy when they announced that we got 3rd place. Indeed it's a great priveledge and honor for all of us winning that place representing the whole division of San Carlos.:)) We all went home with joyful hearts.
The day for us to take our exams came. We had to take 3 subjects on that day but I decided to take 6 subjects for me to make it easier to review the other 3 subjects. I finished the 6 subjects on that day. When Oct.25 came, I'm quite ill that day though I knew that it will be my first time to vote for the SK election. I did all my best to go to the voting center though I didn't feel well. Hahaha... But that illness was eased when I saw my long time crush in our barangay. He's the cousin of my classmate. I knew him since we were in our childhood days. My bestfriend joyme approached me and said that the guy is there. And when I looked at my back, yes! it's him.:) Joyme and I both laughed because we're having a crush factor for that boy.:)hahaha. After we had done voting, because it's my first time to vote, it's my first time to be applied an indelible ink on my finger, kinda exciting having it, but when I went out the classroom where I vote, it seemed that the boy is gone. Hmmm...,but it's okay because it's just an inspiration and crush. We all went home and when the counting of votes came, I with my family went back to the voting center and when we knew that my uncle won again as the Barangay Captain, we all went home with happy faces.:D
Back to school and back to examination point. After I've done with my exams with the 3 subjects, I went to the acting workshop seminar. I enjoyed a lot joining in that kind of workshop. I really love acting. I love dramas, all things in the name of theater.:) When the last day came for that seminar, I felt like I'm upset for I didn't made it to have a picture with the facilitators because at that time we went to the gym for the living rosary but it's okay because we all had a great time performing for the living rosary.
Time for camporal came, I enjoyad it a lot though it's just a 2-day camporal. Lot of activities really drove me insane.hahaha Though WE are only in the 4th place I'm very glad that I had a bubch of friends again to share those once in a lifetime experiences and moments.:)
OCTOBER REALLY ROCKS MY SENIOR LIFE. Those treasured moments really made me into a better person with a real and firm faith in God. :) Hope that November will rock my world as well, as much more.:) Cheers!