Saturday, January 1, 2011

This -Ember BLAsT!!! :D

Time goes by and by, it can’t be stopped…no one could make it to go back to the past. As they say, “You could only step on the same river once.” It’s been almost six months to us spending our life at school as senior students. It’s been six months for us that we had experienced the life of a senior , a graduating student. And it would all be three months only for us to enjoy the company of each other, to share moments of laughters, hurts and happiness. And what hurts most is that we had only three months lefts to stay in St. Charles Academy that once in our life we called HOME.
I could feel the “Hanging Amihan”, I already saw decors that made every house nice to call that they have the spirit of Christmas, I heard some children singing carols already, I already smelled some native cakes served during this season but most of all I already could saw enlightenment, happiness and joy in every person’s heart that really, surely and probably shows that it’s December, the month of Christmas.  Oh yes! It’s December already. One of my favorite month in the year. And as it goes, we St. Franciscans, were busy too trying to help for the preparation to our school’s Christmas Celebration. Some of our classmates were also busy practicing their skills in preparation for their RSPC and so with their coaches, Ma’am Cez and sir Mauris—our English teacher. “Uhhhh!”, that’s the word that my mouth uttered the time of the announcements had already been announced. Announcements of projects to be passed next year, our preliminary performance for Peter Pan in English, our dance (Boogie) performance and practicum for MAPEH and the preparation for the “Filipino Party” in our T.L.E. next year. Such things made us quite worried for we didn’t know what to do first. But as usual we, Franciscans, a section who will never give up and of course always giving the BEST SHOT in every performance and tasks were assigned to. So, first things first, as usual… M-E-E-T-I-N-G!  Alliana as our class president called for a meeting, what she always does. We have decided to have our practice with Peter Pan the Sunday after we attended mass for we were all choir members. About the T.L.E. practicum, we had chosen Filipino Party and had a meeting about it too. About the MAPEH Practicum, we all decided to meet by group the Saturday before our practice for Peter Pan. So that’s all our plan, and it all did happened.  We’ve met as a class that said Sunday and we all had a meeting regarding with the props to be used. We chose Peter Pan not because it’s the suggestion of Daniel (Peter Pan), but because we found the story very interesting and exciting. At first, we haven’t any idea about the adventures of him , what we all knew only is that he could fly and his enemy was Captain Hook. So some of us, including me volunteered to research about the story and its script. I found two kinds of script, one which is obviously shorter and could be printed and the one which is originally from the movie and was copyrighted, the worst is…it couldn’t be printed. We all worried about that because that’s the script we wanted to use. But for me, the shorter one is not that different when compared to the longer one. I’ve read it already and it’s really a very brief script about one of his adventure but the plot is just the same. The difference is that the script in the movie had some things not really that important that was added to spice up the movie, that was usually a movie does. So when we consulted Sir Mauris about it, they said that we should choose the shorter one because the deal is not on the script but with the performance. So Daniel, Alliana and I talked to each other, we have our meeting on how we should manage things about it specially because both of them is a RSPC participant. I’m so flattered and glad that they had consulted me and asked me to apply again my wide imagination about directing (not knowing it’s really my line since first year…haha I want to be a film director someday). So we had our plans and when the time of practice came, we divided our class, all the people who were not be going to act will manage the other important things to spice up our performance. We divided them into different areas: For the props, we made our schedule for it because Sir Mauris allowed us to meet on vacation and do such props we need. The props were managed by group, the alligator- Group of David, Daniel, Kristine,etc. The ship- JECKZ ‘s group together with Von and etc. and a lot of other things we need. Some of us were assigned with the sound, including me, Joffa, Patrisse. I had already some sound effects that can be used during the play.  And the rest who were the characters had a practice. I added some effects to it trying to imitate the movie. At our first practice we really had a hard time for it for we were not complete and were not that familiar with it. But as time went by, we slowly caught it right. The action, the diction and some accents. We had practice the half of it. And when the day of the preliminary came, we all had a deep breathe and went up to stage. When all thing were ready, I as the narrator started the story. And we are so happy that we did a great job compared with our time for practice. The judges had a smile on their faces and though they had their negative comments, as what judges always do, we were happy for they like it and we will do our very best to make it to the point that all things will be at its best. And as of now , we were preparing the props.:)
After that week, Ma’am Malong, our Religion teacher told me to be the director of the “Christmas Presentation for the coming program. I’s about the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Again, as a whole class, we had our unity , we divided the class for the preparation for the props to be used and for the practice. And it’s all worth it because when the time of the presentation came, held on the day of the program, as I read the script as the narrator, I could feel its solemnity, its spirit, all students kept their selves quiet as a respect. After the presentation we all excitedly gathered in one place, congratulate everyone for a job well done performance, we all gave our best for God. :) So after that, we all had our seats for we will witness the VTRs for the teacher, and because we were the 4th year star section, the VTR we’ve made for Ma’am Glo came last. After the VTR, we all in a hurry went to Ma’am Glo, hugged them and kissed them. We loved them so mush, very much, a lot. They are a mother to me.:) After that moment, we saw Ma’am Irene, we used also to call them as “MOMMY I” for they were also very close to us because they were our former adviser when we’re in 3rd year. We approached them, hugged them and kissed them, I didn’t notice, tears started to fell down on my cheeks because I really, really missed them and Ma’am I started to cry too, because they feel what we felt too. I’m so close to Ma’am I when we’re in 3rd year but now, it seemed that there were many times we didn’t talk that mush because we were quite shy also to their advisory class. And so did them to us…that’s what Ma’am Irene said. They apologized to us, “4G”, because there we many times that we didn’t talk much or none at all not like when we’re in 3rd year because they were quite shy too to their students “nab aka may masabi daw sila, na alam niyo na”---that’s what they’ve said. But we understand them too. We could also feel it. The day after the next day was our Christmas Party, we all had fun with the games prepared by Manirose. With the food, we were all contented…hahaha I rememberd when AJ and Alvin told me that they had to make their belts loose for they were both really full… HAHAHA :D After we eat, we had the gift giving. We all had fun and it’s obviously showed in everyone’s face. The next part is the “thanksgiving” saying thank you to our classmates and sorry for the hurts. We hugged each one of us and we cried, for it’s our last Christmas Party together as a class, for the 3 years we’ve been mates, friends and best friends. We all had our class picture as Daniel released the baking powder in the plastic making some particles released in the air that made us and our classroom messy. HAHA After that, we cleaned up our classroom and we had again our meeting for Peter Pan, for the division of labor since it’s our Christmas vacation to minimize the work, we made schedules of every group’s time to make their designated tasks. After that we all say good bye to each other.
Dec.21, our group in Science went to school for our project. We made our project so called “LOOPS”. We had a hard time finding the needed material “Aluminum”. But we all had fun and enjoyed making it. Some of us get vey tired sawing the ply woods to be used for the project. Angelo get hurt also with the hammer. But he continued to make it. We had a “trial and error” for the balls fell down and make it rotate the loops we made. After almost 2 hours of making it, at last! We’re done! We all decided to keep it at Maricar’s home for she’s our leader. After that, we say good bye to each other and we all went home.
Home Sweet Home! It’s very nice to stay with your loved ones specially on holidays. I spent my vacation with my family. I spent my time, updating myself with the current updates using the internet for I’m so busy that I didn’t know the latest news, updates and other things. I’m always online on my FB account trying to communicate with my friends not to miss them. I also spend my time attending some affairs in our Barangay like the Christmas Party and the Misa de Gallo. Christmas time came, we attended the last “Simbang Gabi” and after we went home, we waited for the clock to strike twelve. It’s Christmas! My mother gave us gifts and we were all thankful for that. We hugged them and kissed her. :D Our family ate together for the Noche Buena. Dec.25, it’s morning already and we had to wake up for we have to attend the mass. And so we did. Dec.26, 27. 28, 29--- the day of our Christmas Party in Manzon, I and Joyme saw each other at the party, we talked and talked because we surely missed each other. We waited for Palmera trying to wait also for his cousin, “James” (my crush)…hahaha :D But they didi not attend but Palmera’s brother did. His brother said to me that Palmera was with James and he started teasing me to him… Hahaha After that, some guys asked for our number but we did not give it because it’s personal and we don’t want it to be publicly known… Hahaha Some asked for a dance but we were too shy for that. J After the party we all went home and rested for it’s too late. Again days passed, and at last! “KABOOMM!!! KABLAMM!!” it’s new year’s eve. The noise of the horns and firecrackers filled the whole surroundings. Foods for Media Noche were already prepared. We all waited for it and when the 10-second countdown began, we all jumped with joy blowing horns and lighting the “fountains”. It’s 2011!!! It’s another year to begin! The year goes from 2KX to 2KXI. And it’s the year of the RABBIT! :D We all greeted each other a “HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR!” We all ate together and after that we slept for we have to attend the mass on the first day of the year and it’s a holy day of obligation for it’s the Solemnity of the Motherhood of Mama Mary. J
Years may passed, good byes, thank you, sorry… all those words might be uttered from each person’s mouth. It’s another year that had passed, lessons, experiences and moments that had been shared with the people you love the most will last. As these treasures should be kept in heart no matter how many years may came and passed. For the hurts that had happened…”SORRY”, is the magical word and the mysterious solution is to learn from those bad experiences for they were the key to solve the next bunch of problems for the NEW YEAR to begin. Happy New Year! More powers for 2KXI and God bless!