Saturday, November 9, 2013

Alive and Still Kickin' Good! :D

Well, it's almost been two years since I last opened this account and update it.And it has to do with the "Busy Time" thing again. But I am so happy that I was able to make it and update here again. :) My old blogs were products of my responsibility to posts blogs about what's happening during my last year stay in my High School Alma Mater, St. Charles Academy. And here I am now, a third year Accountancy student of Kingfisher School of Business & Finance. :) Yes! You won't believe it! I've survived two years and a half of difficult and frustrating struggles of being an Accountancy student. And yes, it is really part of every student's life.
And also a Yes, that I am really proud of where I am now. ;) A school with a legacy of quality education and with a unbreakable tradition of excellence, 100% Passing Rate for CPA Board Exams. :) But for now, all I can do is to strive harder and harder because I have a dream. A dream of being part of that excellence, contributing to that legacy and most importantly, being a successful passer of the CPA Board Exams hopefully with flying colors, as our school always refer to. Being at this stage or point of my college life is like being or riding on a roller coaster. You have to sit back not to fully relax but to ride wheel of challenge, focus not to fall, have a firm and great "GRIP" to your faith and in GOD, and make it up to the end despite of much struggles that this ride is giving you during the entire course of this journey. So, for all incoming college students not only those who are making up their minds on choosing BS Accountancy as their course, I have one thing to say and just keep it as an advice, "Choose what's in your heart, for it will lead you to what you knew you do best because when working time comes and you're not really interested on your chosen career, it will mean NOTHING at all. Yes, it's no doubt that our parents' know what's best for us, but this annotation is NOT without limitation. You alone are the only one who knows yourself well. We might need our parents' advice but talk to them wholeheartedly and let them know how you feel and surely, they will understand. Just always keep in mind that those people who became achievers in life did also a lot of struggles to make it to their positions BUT the difference is that, during those times when they felt down, they were not that feel like giving up because they were HAPPY on what they were doing BECAUSE they LOVE it. Their mind, soul and heart were into it, that they keep on looking forward no matter how life knock them down. So, think of it. If it's about financial matters or something else that were really important that hinders what you want, then pray and ask God, because, everything that happens has their own reasons, we may not sometimes understand but we must simply trust His Will. :) Decide as early as possible and act before it's too late. ;)
Happy Reading ;) (A photo taken during our High School Uniform Day in Kingfisher)