Saturday, August 28, 2010

A million bows, clap and standing ovation for August! :D

August's last week came too fast that I didn't notice it's almost one moth that I didn't visit and post new blogs. But is it the month came too fast or the activities and school works that caused me to be busy that I almost forgot that time's passing by and now it's last week of August. But besides fom being busy, I'm glad because I had a lot of things and experiences to write here and to share with you.:)
This month is big, great and worth-remembering month for me. I could still remember the moments I and my co- Sci-Math officers shared with and enjoyed with during our practice for our club's presentation for the "First Induction Program" in our school. During the days before the induction, I became so much busy for I am the in charge for that said presentation and as Sci-Math Club president, I am the one who monitored and manage our 3-day practice together with my classmate and our 4th year V-pres.,Laila. I admit it, that there were times during our practice that I became mad and disappointed because some of us didn't take it seriously and maybe because of so much tiredness I almost give up of advising them and try to be strict on what they're doing. But I said to myself that I must not give up instead I should continue it for it's my responsibility to fix such mess. We all did a great job when the presentation for the induction came. I also asked for forgiveness for those I knew that I get mad on because of their actions during the practice. All officers in our school were inducted. It's our first time to be formally inducted. So we're very glad.:D Whoa! Right after the induction program we helped for the preparation for the 2nd leaders' congress that happened a day after that induction where SSG and all Club officers will be joining. It's a 2-day seminar. I, together with my 3 classmates at the same time, my bestfriends helped our teachers who were the organizers for that event to fix and decorate our mini-stage at the old building. Friday morning, we were all ready and so excited for that's our first time to join on that training and seminar. On the first day of the seminar, some of our teachers were the speakers. It's a solemn day for me, for some of the invited speakers made us emotional because of the activities they told us to do in relation to the topics they're discussing. Second day of the leadership training, we were all told to create and compose our team's cheers and yells. I belong to the "Pink Phoenix" team. On that morning, we all practiced our yells in preparation for our performance on the same day and we created our team's flag. After all teams' performance for that said activity, our teachers ,facilitators told us us what's the mechanics of our next activity. I really enjoyed so much those activities they've prepared for us. Among those activities we've done, there were two remarkable and enjoyable activities for me. The Commando Crawl, where we enjoyed a lot crawling and diving on mud just to pass by without making our clothes touch the net. Hahaha... It's my first time to do that so I enjoyed it a lot.:P The other challenge was the "Caterpillar Walk". I voluntarily offered myself to join in that activity though there were "talks and comments" from the other groups that, that was the hardest challenge for them. At first we're all comfortable doing that, but when we felt pain from our legs we all felt uncomfortable. But "giving up" was not on our vocabulary. We all continued walking just to get on the finish line. We all cheered and shouted when we arrive on the finish line. But the hardest thing is that, I am so worried about my left leg, for I couldn't move it. I felt that it's like paralized. Oh My! I couldn't stood up on my own that I fell and lied on the basketball court. But with the help of some of my team mates and my friends,I could already move my left foot. But even though that happened to me, I'm still happy for we did it! :) On the last part of the session, we all went to those people who became part of our lives during the training. And I was so touched and happy for there were a lot of people whom I'm not close with that gave me those little papers with pictures and have meanings. I received 28 of them and I treasured them a lot. I put them on an album. I'm so happy to know that there were people who loves me and giving importance to me. I went home with a very glad heart and with a smile on my face. :)
Examination had passed, another week had come. It was a big week for the Communication and Arts Club for it's their celebration for the "Buwan ng Wika". Lot of activities to join with came. I joined on the "pagkatha ng tula sa tradisyunal na paraan". And I'm glad because I got the 3rd place.:D "Balagtasan", one of the activities I joined with and I enjoyed a lot. It's a debate between two groups. Hard and meaningful topics made us so crazy. But even though they're quite hard, we did a great job. I believed on my group mates, Joshua,Syed Drian and Danielle. We won on the first round but we lose on the final round but even though we didn't won, still we were glad because our talents on giving reasons and proofs to encourage people had come out. We enjoyed it a lot. :D
Month of August is almost over! But even though it's becoming over and another month is about to begin, the experiences, moments and lessons I gained on this month will mark forever here in my heart and my mind and honestly...became an important part of my life. I will treasur all these experiences for thay helped me became a better person and help me show the BEST me! :D

-I want to say CONGRATULATIONS! to all Com - Arts Club's organizers. officers, members and to all students who really contributed a lot of effots for the club's activities be a successful one! Your celebration was really successful! We were all really proud of you and we were so much happy for your SUCCESS!... :D Good luck to me and to all Sci-Math Club officers and members for next month will be our month's celebration...Hope that it'll be successful as the com-arts club did.-

Thursday, August 5, 2010

July's Best Momentum

Rush...crams... These things are on their way to complicate and disturbed students' lives. July is over! But what makes July a remarkable month is that it's not an empty month but it's full of stuffs that became a part of our student's life already. Being a student of St.Francis is a great opportunity and a big responsibility as well. Not just because you're in A section you should maintain your high grades but it's the fact that you should be worthy to be called as a good model not for Seniors but to whole St.Charles Academy. I should be that kind of steward, so to make it real and possible, I should start it with myself. July seems to be a month of a journey for me. I remembered our activity in English regarding with the "my story, your story and our story". It's given to us as our assignment and when Sir Maurison called my name, I am so excited to share it to the class. I'm glad they like it, they laughed to the part of the story I, myself laughed at. I enjoyed it so much ----seeing people smiling at you, appreciating your work.:) On our subject T.L.E., I'm so happy too for getting the highest points in our activities for 3 consecutive activities we've done. It seemed that we are all compatible with our group mates. On our first presentation, it's a role play about the barter system. Hahaha... I act like an insane at that time... I portray an Indian entrepreneur. My classmates laughed on how I speak...the way I speak.:) On our second presentation, Ma'am Irene told us to make a lay-out and we chose for a community lay-out and I'm glad because we, as a group chose a barangay community and it's our barangay, Manzon. And again we're the group who got the highest points and good comments made us proud for what we've done. And lastly, our role play portraying an entrepreneur who had challenges in his business before reaching the peak of his dream restaurant. Mark Daniel act as the proprietor of Mang Inasal and Mark Oliver as Mark Bautista singing the song "hinahanap-hanap kita" for the restaurant "Mang Inasal". It was a great presentation too, even if we lose 1-point because of some errors we're happy 'cause we made it again, our group was the champion again.:)---those moments in our high school lives were really unforgettable; the laughter we've shared with each other...and the tears that we let fall to our own eyes and to the shoulders of someone we trust to and we love. Tears are important also, it reminds me of how I looked like after an activity on our English class. On that afternoon, we're told by Sir Maurison to go to the comp. lab for our play (Icarus and Daedalus) but we didn't expect to cry on that afternoon. The moment Sir Maurison let us to watch a clip about a letter from our parents, I didn't cry that bad but the moment Sir Maurison told us to stand on our chair and told us to imagine ourselves flying...reaching for our biggest dreams... I couldn't really stop myself, my tears from falling out. Maybe, it's the fact that I am afraid that I couldn't reach for those things, that I'm so small and not important for others be proud of me someday. That activity made me to be more thankful of what I had parents, my achievements in life. As Sir Maurison said, "You can reach all your dreams and it's on your hands". And for that, I'll always keep in mind that's nothing's impossible with God and when you're really sincere in achieving those things. I will soar high until I could reach my mountain's peak.