Friday, December 10, 2010

Invasions of Memories :)

La...La...La... Whoa! I didn't notice at all how fast November did passed. Maybe because of so much busyness? And because of a lot of things that made our sked. very hectic that we didn't notice the time passing by. It's already December now, but I couldn't even forget the memories left to me by the month November. :)
November seemed to be a scary month for me when I was only a child, but now that I'm grown up it seemed to be a month of gathering for us. Last November 1, some of our relatives arrived from Manila. They always find time to visit here in Pangasinan specially during this seasons or special holidays. We spent our time going to the cemetery with them. But our visit to the cemetery was postponed on that day because there's a lot of people there and some of us was frightened that there might have a stampede so we decided to go there last Nov.2. We attended mass and after that we went to the tomb of my Lolo and Lola. Though it's a time to reminisce the memories of our beloved ones who were already dead, I am so happy on that day because I spent my time with the people whom I'm not that close to, making new friends with our other relatives that was on my age too. After that holiday, back to normal life, had to go to sleep early, wake up early in the morning and go to school. We are so busy on that week because we were preparing for our 3rd MPT. Lots and lots of reviewers crept us out. Oh yes! Basically, that time we admitted it, we had a little hung - over from the semestral break. Hahaha. But it's normal for us, as students so we did all our best to concentrate with the lessons for us to get high scores for the exam. Some of us may have sleepless nights during that week, but it's okay, because we are doing all those things for us to passed and made it to the point that we'll get hig grades we're really aiming for. :) After that 3rd MPT Exam, we all had enough time to refresh and to prepare for our entrance exams for the SLU-CEE held in Baguio City. We are quite nervous that time because we knew that it's a high-standard University and we were nervous that we might fail that exam.
Nov.28,210, 1:00 P.M. , that's the exact date and time of our entrance Exam. Vina, one of my bestfriends, invited us to stay in her brother's apartment in Baguio for us to stay. So we decided to went there on Nov.27 and for us there to spend the night. Sir Vincent or we used to cll his brother as "Kuya Vincent" was somehow that close to us because he became the guidance counselor of our school last school year, and he together with Sir Maurison and I had our time togther during the "relief operation" last school year as the Ambasador of goodwill. :) Going back to my story, Yeah! we arrived at Baguio on Nov.27, 5:30 P.M., the day before the actual exam. Kuya Vincent fetched us on the van terminal and took us to his apartment in "Trancoville". It's just a 15-minute ride from the city proper to his place. After we got there to his apartment and put our belongings there, we left and went to SM Baguio, Kuya Vincent treated us for dinner. :)
We had a very delicious and a hearty meal that fit our very hungry stomach. Hahaha After we took our dinner, Kuya vincent left the 3 of us for he had to leave because he had his work as a call center agent. So we decided to be there in SM. We looked for our other mates who were also there. We roamed around the mall. It's already late that night so some stores are starting to close. We bought ice crean though it's really cold, hahaha... We took pictures, and at last! We had the courage to go home. :) It's very late! 10:37 P.M., that's the time when I looked at my wrist watch. We were quite frightened that time. Imagine, just the three of us, and we were all girls. We found a hard time looking for a ride, for a taxi because there were no jeepneys that time. After 5 minutes of waiting , we finally found a taxi that took us to the apartment. Some of the board mates of Kuya Vincent were already in their rooms and maybe asleep. We were very careful that time not to made the other people in the house awakened because of us. Atlast, when we had entered the room for us, we laughed at each other's face. Hahaha. Very tired. But that doesn't stop us to do such things instead of sleeping. We had a movie marathon. Kuya vincent left us his collections of DVDs and bought us some foods to eat. A lot of chips. :) We loved it. We chose a movie but were not contented with the story so we decide to turn it off. We ate the chips but the fun thing is that Vina, starved for more food that she was pushing us to open another kind of chips. But I and Joyme were already full that time. She started to look like a child. A poor child starving for more food to eat. Hahaha. After that we all had a shower and decided to sleep and prepare for the next Big day. :) zZZzzZZ.. -_-
Tik! Tok! !Tik! Tok! My cellphone's alarm woke me up. Vina was already outside the room, at the terrace. Joyme woke up too. We all ate the cupcakes that we left the last night. After having that, we all got our forms for the exam. I and Vina didn't wrote our chosen course yet. She decided to wrote there "B.S. in Tourism". I'm the only one left. I want to be an accountant and that's what I want to take but my heart was in "B.S. in Civil Engineering" and it's like a destiny because it's course code was "23" my favorite no. and "B.S. in Accountancy" was no.1.
I end up writing nothing on my form until we decide to make a toss of coin. I prayed first to God to give me the courage and the wisdom to decide what's the right course for me to take. After a minute, Vina said that once the coin is "kara" it will be accountancy, and if it's "krus" it will be civil engineering. On the first toss, it's "krus" for civil engineering. But Vina demanded to toss it again and whatever may be the result will be the result! On the second toss, we all shouted for it's "krus" again for civil engineering. I wrote "B.S. in Civil Engineering" on my form and put a check mark on its course code "23". :) I'm happy for the result for it's what really my heart had in it. After that, Kuya Vincent had just arrived from his work and prepared us breakfast. After doing all the personal necessities, we deceide to go to the church and pray for the help and guidance of God. After going to the church, we refresh ourselves visiting a mini-mall beside the church. I couldn't remember the name of the mall but We surely enjoyed there. We went to Sm again to take our lunch and after tha, the moment of truth! The reality that the time for our entrance exam had come! We all fall in line, it's so weird that I was separated from my 2 bestfriends. I was at the other groups because the facilitators said so. After the short orientation, we all went upstairs, to their Library and took the exam. The exam lasts for almost 4 hours. It's an average exam compare to the UPCAT. :) I did all my best just to answer all the questions. After the exam we decided to have our last visit to the "Mines View". It's a 30-minute ride from the city proper. After we arrived their, we bought some souveneirs. Then we took pictures as remembrance, then we went to the apartment to get all our belongings and say goodbye to Kuya Vincent. We all gave our sincerest thanks to him for he had invited us to his place for us to stay. He's such a wonderful and nice person! :)
We took the last trip. And after 2 hours, at last we're at our homeland! Pangasinan. We missed it though it's only 2 days. Hahaha. After I got home, I put my self down on my bed and took a sleep. Morning came and I had almost the whole day telling my family bot ourtrip and exam. :)
November might be a "nonsense" month for others, but for me it's a month full of Never-forgotten HAPPENINGS! :) I've learned to be independent, to decide on my own and to follow what my heart really says and go for it!(about the course). As I always say "IF DESTINY WAS TRUE , I'LL BE IT'S NO.1 FAN!".:) For I believe that in this world of our own "destiny" could never be happened without our oen choice. For life is not a matter of chance, but a matter of CHOICE!
:) Happy Holidays!

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