Friday, December 10, 2010

Invasions of Memories :)

La...La...La... Whoa! I didn't notice at all how fast November did passed. Maybe because of so much busyness? And because of a lot of things that made our sked. very hectic that we didn't notice the time passing by. It's already December now, but I couldn't even forget the memories left to me by the month November. :)
November seemed to be a scary month for me when I was only a child, but now that I'm grown up it seemed to be a month of gathering for us. Last November 1, some of our relatives arrived from Manila. They always find time to visit here in Pangasinan specially during this seasons or special holidays. We spent our time going to the cemetery with them. But our visit to the cemetery was postponed on that day because there's a lot of people there and some of us was frightened that there might have a stampede so we decided to go there last Nov.2. We attended mass and after that we went to the tomb of my Lolo and Lola. Though it's a time to reminisce the memories of our beloved ones who were already dead, I am so happy on that day because I spent my time with the people whom I'm not that close to, making new friends with our other relatives that was on my age too. After that holiday, back to normal life, had to go to sleep early, wake up early in the morning and go to school. We are so busy on that week because we were preparing for our 3rd MPT. Lots and lots of reviewers crept us out. Oh yes! Basically, that time we admitted it, we had a little hung - over from the semestral break. Hahaha. But it's normal for us, as students so we did all our best to concentrate with the lessons for us to get high scores for the exam. Some of us may have sleepless nights during that week, but it's okay, because we are doing all those things for us to passed and made it to the point that we'll get hig grades we're really aiming for. :) After that 3rd MPT Exam, we all had enough time to refresh and to prepare for our entrance exams for the SLU-CEE held in Baguio City. We are quite nervous that time because we knew that it's a high-standard University and we were nervous that we might fail that exam.
Nov.28,210, 1:00 P.M. , that's the exact date and time of our entrance Exam. Vina, one of my bestfriends, invited us to stay in her brother's apartment in Baguio for us to stay. So we decided to went there on Nov.27 and for us there to spend the night. Sir Vincent or we used to cll his brother as "Kuya Vincent" was somehow that close to us because he became the guidance counselor of our school last school year, and he together with Sir Maurison and I had our time togther during the "relief operation" last school year as the Ambasador of goodwill. :) Going back to my story, Yeah! we arrived at Baguio on Nov.27, 5:30 P.M., the day before the actual exam. Kuya Vincent fetched us on the van terminal and took us to his apartment in "Trancoville". It's just a 15-minute ride from the city proper to his place. After we got there to his apartment and put our belongings there, we left and went to SM Baguio, Kuya Vincent treated us for dinner. :)
We had a very delicious and a hearty meal that fit our very hungry stomach. Hahaha After we took our dinner, Kuya vincent left the 3 of us for he had to leave because he had his work as a call center agent. So we decided to be there in SM. We looked for our other mates who were also there. We roamed around the mall. It's already late that night so some stores are starting to close. We bought ice crean though it's really cold, hahaha... We took pictures, and at last! We had the courage to go home. :) It's very late! 10:37 P.M., that's the time when I looked at my wrist watch. We were quite frightened that time. Imagine, just the three of us, and we were all girls. We found a hard time looking for a ride, for a taxi because there were no jeepneys that time. After 5 minutes of waiting , we finally found a taxi that took us to the apartment. Some of the board mates of Kuya Vincent were already in their rooms and maybe asleep. We were very careful that time not to made the other people in the house awakened because of us. Atlast, when we had entered the room for us, we laughed at each other's face. Hahaha. Very tired. But that doesn't stop us to do such things instead of sleeping. We had a movie marathon. Kuya vincent left us his collections of DVDs and bought us some foods to eat. A lot of chips. :) We loved it. We chose a movie but were not contented with the story so we decide to turn it off. We ate the chips but the fun thing is that Vina, starved for more food that she was pushing us to open another kind of chips. But I and Joyme were already full that time. She started to look like a child. A poor child starving for more food to eat. Hahaha. After that we all had a shower and decided to sleep and prepare for the next Big day. :) zZZzzZZ.. -_-
Tik! Tok! !Tik! Tok! My cellphone's alarm woke me up. Vina was already outside the room, at the terrace. Joyme woke up too. We all ate the cupcakes that we left the last night. After having that, we all got our forms for the exam. I and Vina didn't wrote our chosen course yet. She decided to wrote there "B.S. in Tourism". I'm the only one left. I want to be an accountant and that's what I want to take but my heart was in "B.S. in Civil Engineering" and it's like a destiny because it's course code was "23" my favorite no. and "B.S. in Accountancy" was no.1.
I end up writing nothing on my form until we decide to make a toss of coin. I prayed first to God to give me the courage and the wisdom to decide what's the right course for me to take. After a minute, Vina said that once the coin is "kara" it will be accountancy, and if it's "krus" it will be civil engineering. On the first toss, it's "krus" for civil engineering. But Vina demanded to toss it again and whatever may be the result will be the result! On the second toss, we all shouted for it's "krus" again for civil engineering. I wrote "B.S. in Civil Engineering" on my form and put a check mark on its course code "23". :) I'm happy for the result for it's what really my heart had in it. After that, Kuya Vincent had just arrived from his work and prepared us breakfast. After doing all the personal necessities, we deceide to go to the church and pray for the help and guidance of God. After going to the church, we refresh ourselves visiting a mini-mall beside the church. I couldn't remember the name of the mall but We surely enjoyed there. We went to Sm again to take our lunch and after tha, the moment of truth! The reality that the time for our entrance exam had come! We all fall in line, it's so weird that I was separated from my 2 bestfriends. I was at the other groups because the facilitators said so. After the short orientation, we all went upstairs, to their Library and took the exam. The exam lasts for almost 4 hours. It's an average exam compare to the UPCAT. :) I did all my best just to answer all the questions. After the exam we decided to have our last visit to the "Mines View". It's a 30-minute ride from the city proper. After we arrived their, we bought some souveneirs. Then we took pictures as remembrance, then we went to the apartment to get all our belongings and say goodbye to Kuya Vincent. We all gave our sincerest thanks to him for he had invited us to his place for us to stay. He's such a wonderful and nice person! :)
We took the last trip. And after 2 hours, at last we're at our homeland! Pangasinan. We missed it though it's only 2 days. Hahaha. After I got home, I put my self down on my bed and took a sleep. Morning came and I had almost the whole day telling my family bot ourtrip and exam. :)
November might be a "nonsense" month for others, but for me it's a month full of Never-forgotten HAPPENINGS! :) I've learned to be independent, to decide on my own and to follow what my heart really says and go for it!(about the course). As I always say "IF DESTINY WAS TRUE , I'LL BE IT'S NO.1 FAN!".:) For I believe that in this world of our own "destiny" could never be happened without our oen choice. For life is not a matter of chance, but a matter of CHOICE!
:) Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rockin' October

Buzz... buzz... buzz... October surely rock my senior life. It had been a very sophisticated, exciting and busy month to me. But though it really drove me crazy I surely enjoyed it. Of course, it was surely a very special moth for me because it's the month of my birthday. Oct.5, a very remarkable date for me, first because it's my birthday but aside from that, it's the date of our presentation for the english's readers' theater. When we first heard about it, we had no idea of how was it'll be going. What we all knew is that we all had to do our best to win and to represent our school for the "Eng. Fest. Div. Level".I was chosen as the narrator 2. And honestly speaking, when I first heard about the title of the story we're going to perform I felt quite not interested with it because I thought that it's just a story for children, but the time i read it i found it interesting as well. When the day of the performance came, we all went to the gym to prepare ourselves for it. We prayed and had our breathing exercise. We were the last performer, so when they called our number, we, the narrators went up the stage and so with the other characters. We began with the performance saying the title, "How Frog Went To heaven". Silence started to crack the whole venue. The strange looks of the audiences and judges make me feel so nervous but it seemed that they found it not boring the time we're the one performing it. After the performance, they all clapped their hands. I felt that my nervousness was eased by that time. All of us did a great job but the thing is there should be only one to be on the top. and when the time for the announcement of winners came, we all prayed and when they've announced that we, St.Francis was the winner, we all jumped with joy but that joy began to fade away when they said that not all of us will be joining the contest for the readers' theater for the div.level. We felt upset that time because of that news.
The very next day, Sir Maurison told some of us including me to go to the faculty. I wondered what was going on. When we arrived their, I felt so much happiness because Sir Mauris said that we'll be going to compete in the div.level for the readers' theater and we have to have ourwhole day practice that day, but another thing is I have to be on our whole day review too for the stat.quiz bee. I do not know by that time how to divide myself but I ended up with a decision that i'll be spending at least one hour for our practice and the rest is for my review. The next day, is our stat.quiz bee. I'm not that so prepared for that because we had a little time for the review but I did all my best for that as well. We won 6th place out of 23 competing schools. And it's not that bad having that place.:) After that mindful event, I had to concentrate with the readers' theater and so with my studies. And when the time for the contest nearly came, we all went to Malasiqui for our dress hunting or shall I say costume hunting.hahaha We all had a great time fitting those clothes to be used for the contest. The day before the contest, we had our general practice, we added some effects in able for our performance to be more enjoyable to watch and not kind a boring. The next day of that, was a big day for us. It's the day for the contest and we all prepared ourselves for that. And again, we were the last performer. When the time that we should went up the stage to perform, my hands began to sweat and it's like an ice, cold and plumpy. But I did all my best to do my part and surely we all did a great job that all the judges and audience began clapping their hands after we performed. Time for the announcement of winners came, our school was not mentioned yet for the 3rd and 2nd placer. Again, we all felt nervous, but that chilling moment was eased with joy the time they announced that ST.CHARLES ACADEMY, our school wasthe CHAMPION and will be representing the division of San Carlos to the regional competition. We all thanked God for we know that it's His will.
Sir Maurison announced to us that we'll be taking up the exam as a special one because we have to prepare for the regional contest. But we became upset the next day because of what they have said to us. There's a problem about the fact that we'll be joining in that competition. But thanks God, because we knew that it's His will agin for Ma'am Espino allowed us to join in thatcontest though financially we're having a problem. We were all in rush by that time. 1:00 p.m. is the alloted time for the competition to be held at Lingayen. Finally, when we arrived at the venue, we were quite shocked because the other competitors had a lot of props that fits to described that they were all very prepared. Whoa! But though we don't have so much props, we had a great faith in God that kept us to strive harder and more. Time for the performance came, it seemed that they enjoyed our performnace as well though we didn't have a lot of props. After our performance, we all proceed to the CR to change our clothes and to take some snacks. After that, the time for the annoucement of winners came, we all felt nervous again much more than the nervousness we felt during the div.leevl. All competitors were so graet and thumbs up for all of us. But we all jumped with joy when they announced that we got 3rd place. Indeed it's a great priveledge and honor for all of us winning that place representing the whole division of San Carlos.:)) We all went home with joyful hearts.
The day for us to take our exams came. We had to take 3 subjects on that day but I decided to take 6 subjects for me to make it easier to review the other 3 subjects. I finished the 6 subjects on that day. When Oct.25 came, I'm quite ill that day though I knew that it will be my first time to vote for the SK election. I did all my best to go to the voting center though I didn't feel well. Hahaha... But that illness was eased when I saw my long time crush in our barangay. He's the cousin of my classmate. I knew him since we were in our childhood days. My bestfriend joyme approached me and said that the guy is there. And when I looked at my back, yes! it's him.:) Joyme and I both laughed because we're having a crush factor for that boy.:)hahaha. After we had done voting, because it's my first time to vote, it's my first time to be applied an indelible ink on my finger, kinda exciting having it, but when I went out the classroom where I vote, it seemed that the boy is gone. Hmmm...,but it's okay because it's just an inspiration and crush. We all went home and when the counting of votes came, I with my family went back to the voting center and when we knew that my uncle won again as the Barangay Captain, we all went home with happy faces.:D
Back to school and back to examination point. After I've done with my exams with the 3 subjects, I went to the acting workshop seminar. I enjoyed a lot joining in that kind of workshop. I really love acting. I love dramas, all things in the name of theater.:) When the last day came for that seminar, I felt like I'm upset for I didn't made it to have a picture with the facilitators because at that time we went to the gym for the living rosary but it's okay because we all had a great time performing for the living rosary.
Time for camporal came, I enjoyad it a lot though it's just a 2-day camporal. Lot of activities really drove me insane.hahaha Though WE are only in the 4th place I'm very glad that I had a bubch of friends again to share those once in a lifetime experiences and moments.:)
OCTOBER REALLY ROCKS MY SENIOR LIFE. Those treasured moments really made me into a better person with a real and firm faith in God. :) Hope that November will rock my world as well, as much more.:) Cheers!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Busy??? Carpe Diem! :)

Am I dreaming? Hmmm... It's just like a blink of an eye. September is over! I'll surely miss all the memories it left my life esp. as a graduating student. But even though it had passed I could never forget such little but sweet and enjoying memories I've experienced during that month. September is the month for Sci-Math club. And I am so in on that celebration because I'm the president of that club. I have the responsiblity to take over of it whenever and whatever our subject coordinators told us about, but it's not only me who did all the work, of course with all the willingness to help of my co-officers and the members of our club. We had our meeting about that said celeb. and each of us had his/her own work to do and to accomplish. All of that were set. Until one day, Ma'am Malong, our religion teacher told us that they need our help, yes!it's us...Franciscans. Hmmm..quite exciting because we need to act for the presebtation of our school to the Marian vigil for the birthday of Mama Mary tht will be held on Manaoag. We all knew that the target were the best actors and actresses in our section. But they told us that they need 16 students. Some of us were chosen, including me. :) I'm so happy and it's my pleasure to join on that presentation because we were the one who represented our school. With the help of Sir Bryan Catama, a professor in SLU and certainly a graduate of SCA, we all did our best in practicing all the actings and other efffects that we should do to make it more real in the eyes of the audience. There was a time during those moments that I felt that I need to quit because of hectic schedule because it so happened that the next day after our presentation in Manaoag will be the first day of our Sci-Math activities for the school and I should be there to prepare and to help my co-Sci-Math club to replenish all the work we need to to finish before the day of the celebration comes. I did cry those moments because of mixed emotions. And because of we were told that day that we all got zero in our english presentation about the Greek Gods and Goddesses because we did not follow the rules told to us by Sir Maurison. We all did our best on our performance that it really husts o know that we all got zero. But when Sir Maurison reasoned out that not all of us got zero for we knew what we have done on the day of the performance. We knew ourselves, our acts on that day. so not everyone got zero. By that time, I took a deep breath for I know in myself that I didn't do any acts that was so injustice to other performers. What I know is that we all did a great job and it's as once in a life time experience. Going back to the presentation in Manaoag, I really wanted to be a part of that presentation and all I'm thinking was that was one little way to offer Mama Mary a thanksgiving specially that it's her birthday. I came with a decision of not quitting but besides I continue to join. I explained it to our Science coordinator, Ma'am Julie Ann. and I promised her to do all my best to attend on the day we'll arrive from Manaoag because it's the day for our praparation.
The day for the presentation came, we all did our best to show them what our topic was all about, to show them the reality a special child really feels. Some of the audience smiled with a tear on their eyes. They were touched of what we did and present. But you know what's the best thing? We were the loast performer that they allowed to perform because it's already dawn and a lot of other performers would have no longer time to perform. And we're so glad that we did it. We did it to perform and i really believe that it's the will of the Holy Spirit. It's the best gift we could ever give to Mama Mary that day. :) After the mass, we all took our breakfast and went home. The time I arrived our home, I took a bath and tried to get some sleep because I promised Ma'am Julie Ann to attend in the afternoon for the preparation for the activities the next day. When afternoon comes, I went to our school and help with the other members and officers in doing some things that will surely need to be accomplished. Though I felt little sleepy I really enjoyed doing things such as interpreting a song for the presentation of the Sci-Math members. I saw my one and only inspiration on that afternoon, we had a little talk and shared laughters with each other. I couldn't forget the wordds he told me when he saw me that afternoon, "pre, a-miss ta ka!:)". Hahaha... that was so sweet. He's my inspiration and he's the one who really inspire me to strive more and even harder with my studies. He's one of a kind. :)
Going back to the Sci-Math celebration, the next day, we had a little fair such as different booths that were managed by my classmates though they'r not a member of Sci-Math. and that's the best thing about it, I can now say that we, IV-St.Francis had a too tight relationship and unity with each other. And I'm so glad that after an almost one year of class division, here we are again, working as a whole, working as a class.:)) We surely enjoyed that day sharing memories that could never be erased. After that tiring and fantastic day, I spent my time watching some videos in YOutube about how to be a good Emcee. Yeah!because I'm one of the emcee for the pageant of Bb. and Ginoong Kslikasan 2010 and it's a part of the Sc-Math celebration. I did all my best to be a good emcee on that pageant. I, with Sir Richard hosted the program for the pageant. Two of my classmates joinde the pageant and David John De Guzman, our classmate won the title for the G.Kalikasan 2010. We all had a great day or shall I say, a great night? because the pageant lasted until night. But it's okay because I saw all my classmates that they all surely cheered our classmates and it all worked. :) Sci-Math celebration is over but our responsiblity will be there forever.:)
After the Sci-Math celebration, mid periodical examination came, and we all had to focus on our reviews in each subject. And after the 2-day examinaton, Intramural 2010 was on its way and we need to prepare on that week. We belong to the team "GREEN VIPERS"! During the 3-day Intrams, we all coordinated each other to do all our best in every activity and sports were in to. I'm a sepak player since I'm in 2nd year but I'd stop when I was in 3rd year. But I had to do my best to play better since I'm a 4th yera student now. And i really enjoyed this sport. :) With my team mates Joyme, Sajarah and Danica we all won on the 2 games and we're all glad because we have made it to be on the CHAMPIONSHIP game. We placed 1st place, but even though we did not nake it to be the champion, we're hapy because we enjoyed the game and there's no one to be blame because we all did our best. The best thing for me in our Intrams is that all of us worked as a team, yes!we all had different talents that could lead us to success but not only that, we all had a teamwork that lead us to success. Though we did not nake it to be the over all champion we're all glad and happy because we placed 1st place and we all had experienced the best thing in team... "TEAMWORK"! :)
Yeah! September may be a very busy month to all of us but though it's a busy month, those moments that made it busy were all spent wisely in a way that we all did our best, enjoyed it and seized evey moment out of it. Such things and moments were like "letterings" carved in a rock near a sea shore that no wave of the ocean could erased it! :) September...Carpe Diem!:)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A million bows, clap and standing ovation for August! :D

August's last week came too fast that I didn't notice it's almost one moth that I didn't visit and post new blogs. But is it the month came too fast or the activities and school works that caused me to be busy that I almost forgot that time's passing by and now it's last week of August. But besides fom being busy, I'm glad because I had a lot of things and experiences to write here and to share with you.:)
This month is big, great and worth-remembering month for me. I could still remember the moments I and my co- Sci-Math officers shared with and enjoyed with during our practice for our club's presentation for the "First Induction Program" in our school. During the days before the induction, I became so much busy for I am the in charge for that said presentation and as Sci-Math Club president, I am the one who monitored and manage our 3-day practice together with my classmate and our 4th year V-pres.,Laila. I admit it, that there were times during our practice that I became mad and disappointed because some of us didn't take it seriously and maybe because of so much tiredness I almost give up of advising them and try to be strict on what they're doing. But I said to myself that I must not give up instead I should continue it for it's my responsibility to fix such mess. We all did a great job when the presentation for the induction came. I also asked for forgiveness for those I knew that I get mad on because of their actions during the practice. All officers in our school were inducted. It's our first time to be formally inducted. So we're very glad.:D Whoa! Right after the induction program we helped for the preparation for the 2nd leaders' congress that happened a day after that induction where SSG and all Club officers will be joining. It's a 2-day seminar. I, together with my 3 classmates at the same time, my bestfriends helped our teachers who were the organizers for that event to fix and decorate our mini-stage at the old building. Friday morning, we were all ready and so excited for that's our first time to join on that training and seminar. On the first day of the seminar, some of our teachers were the speakers. It's a solemn day for me, for some of the invited speakers made us emotional because of the activities they told us to do in relation to the topics they're discussing. Second day of the leadership training, we were all told to create and compose our team's cheers and yells. I belong to the "Pink Phoenix" team. On that morning, we all practiced our yells in preparation for our performance on the same day and we created our team's flag. After all teams' performance for that said activity, our teachers ,facilitators told us us what's the mechanics of our next activity. I really enjoyed so much those activities they've prepared for us. Among those activities we've done, there were two remarkable and enjoyable activities for me. The Commando Crawl, where we enjoyed a lot crawling and diving on mud just to pass by without making our clothes touch the net. Hahaha... It's my first time to do that so I enjoyed it a lot.:P The other challenge was the "Caterpillar Walk". I voluntarily offered myself to join in that activity though there were "talks and comments" from the other groups that, that was the hardest challenge for them. At first we're all comfortable doing that, but when we felt pain from our legs we all felt uncomfortable. But "giving up" was not on our vocabulary. We all continued walking just to get on the finish line. We all cheered and shouted when we arrive on the finish line. But the hardest thing is that, I am so worried about my left leg, for I couldn't move it. I felt that it's like paralized. Oh My! I couldn't stood up on my own that I fell and lied on the basketball court. But with the help of some of my team mates and my friends,I could already move my left foot. But even though that happened to me, I'm still happy for we did it! :) On the last part of the session, we all went to those people who became part of our lives during the training. And I was so touched and happy for there were a lot of people whom I'm not close with that gave me those little papers with pictures and have meanings. I received 28 of them and I treasured them a lot. I put them on an album. I'm so happy to know that there were people who loves me and giving importance to me. I went home with a very glad heart and with a smile on my face. :)
Examination had passed, another week had come. It was a big week for the Communication and Arts Club for it's their celebration for the "Buwan ng Wika". Lot of activities to join with came. I joined on the "pagkatha ng tula sa tradisyunal na paraan". And I'm glad because I got the 3rd place.:D "Balagtasan", one of the activities I joined with and I enjoyed a lot. It's a debate between two groups. Hard and meaningful topics made us so crazy. But even though they're quite hard, we did a great job. I believed on my group mates, Joshua,Syed Drian and Danielle. We won on the first round but we lose on the final round but even though we didn't won, still we were glad because our talents on giving reasons and proofs to encourage people had come out. We enjoyed it a lot. :D
Month of August is almost over! But even though it's becoming over and another month is about to begin, the experiences, moments and lessons I gained on this month will mark forever here in my heart and my mind and honestly...became an important part of my life. I will treasur all these experiences for thay helped me became a better person and help me show the BEST me! :D

-I want to say CONGRATULATIONS! to all Com - Arts Club's organizers. officers, members and to all students who really contributed a lot of effots for the club's activities be a successful one! Your celebration was really successful! We were all really proud of you and we were so much happy for your SUCCESS!... :D Good luck to me and to all Sci-Math Club officers and members for next month will be our month's celebration...Hope that it'll be successful as the com-arts club did.-

Thursday, August 5, 2010

July's Best Momentum

Rush...crams... These things are on their way to complicate and disturbed students' lives. July is over! But what makes July a remarkable month is that it's not an empty month but it's full of stuffs that became a part of our student's life already. Being a student of St.Francis is a great opportunity and a big responsibility as well. Not just because you're in A section you should maintain your high grades but it's the fact that you should be worthy to be called as a good model not for Seniors but to whole St.Charles Academy. I should be that kind of steward, so to make it real and possible, I should start it with myself. July seems to be a month of a journey for me. I remembered our activity in English regarding with the "my story, your story and our story". It's given to us as our assignment and when Sir Maurison called my name, I am so excited to share it to the class. I'm glad they like it, they laughed to the part of the story I, myself laughed at. I enjoyed it so much ----seeing people smiling at you, appreciating your work.:) On our subject T.L.E., I'm so happy too for getting the highest points in our activities for 3 consecutive activities we've done. It seemed that we are all compatible with our group mates. On our first presentation, it's a role play about the barter system. Hahaha... I act like an insane at that time... I portray an Indian entrepreneur. My classmates laughed on how I speak...the way I speak.:) On our second presentation, Ma'am Irene told us to make a lay-out and we chose for a community lay-out and I'm glad because we, as a group chose a barangay community and it's our barangay, Manzon. And again we're the group who got the highest points and good comments made us proud for what we've done. And lastly, our role play portraying an entrepreneur who had challenges in his business before reaching the peak of his dream restaurant. Mark Daniel act as the proprietor of Mang Inasal and Mark Oliver as Mark Bautista singing the song "hinahanap-hanap kita" for the restaurant "Mang Inasal". It was a great presentation too, even if we lose 1-point because of some errors we're happy 'cause we made it again, our group was the champion again.:)---those moments in our high school lives were really unforgettable; the laughter we've shared with each other...and the tears that we let fall to our own eyes and to the shoulders of someone we trust to and we love. Tears are important also, it reminds me of how I looked like after an activity on our English class. On that afternoon, we're told by Sir Maurison to go to the comp. lab for our play (Icarus and Daedalus) but we didn't expect to cry on that afternoon. The moment Sir Maurison let us to watch a clip about a letter from our parents, I didn't cry that bad but the moment Sir Maurison told us to stand on our chair and told us to imagine ourselves flying...reaching for our biggest dreams... I couldn't really stop myself, my tears from falling out. Maybe, it's the fact that I am afraid that I couldn't reach for those things, that I'm so small and not important for others be proud of me someday. That activity made me to be more thankful of what I had parents, my achievements in life. As Sir Maurison said, "You can reach all your dreams and it's on your hands". And for that, I'll always keep in mind that's nothing's impossible with God and when you're really sincere in achieving those things. I will soar high until I could reach my mountain's peak.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Such A Wonderful Day!!!

Hmmm... 3-day seminar for cathecist is over!. I'm sure I'll miss it! :) On the last day of the seminar, July 23,2010, it's an unforgettable moment for us. As Ma'am Malong said that we'll have a penitential rites, nothing's different for us but when the time came for the moment we'll say "sorry" for the people we've hurt, most of us cried a lot... but the best thing is that I didn't cried at all, because I'm so happy that I couldn't let tears fall from my eyes. Hmmm... as we all know, we, Franciscans had our own groups and most of the time we don't have cooperation, for short "not working as ONE". Bonding between us is not merely possible for those times. But because of that seminar, we all felt that we are UNITED again... that we are "ONE"... we are "WHOLE" again! And that's the best thing that had happened during the seminar. We all say sorry to each other, hugs and embraces comforted me a lot during those moments. And even if others think that we are "o.a." it's okay, because for us it's a stepping stone that could lead again to our unity. I hope that our unity would last forever and never be a scarce again that fades as time goes by. I admit, that I'm hurt for those times that our classmates act strange to us, it feels like they didn't care about us. But now, I am hoping that July 23,2010, would be the new beginning for us to be united. I love my friends, my classmates. I Love FRANCISCANS 2010- 2011. :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I gave much love to you... but why did you waste it? Now that I fell at the wrong time and place, no one could catch me not until Jacob caught me and with his safest like haven's arms, I feel comfortable. I wish he'll never leave as you did. But how I wish that you should let me fall on the cliff's peak so that I couldn't feel pains anymore...Goodbye to you... Good luck for your future... I'm happy for you! :)